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Delivery Process 
Call or Whatsapp (868) 391-0432
Let us know item or items interested in
Send Required information as follows
A.Contact Number
B.Delivery Address 
C.Payment type Cash or Linx on delivery
D.Full Name
E.Email Address for Invoice
Choose your payment options 
A.Cash Payment with Courier Odeliver up to $1,000
B.Linx Payment upon delivery accepted by our Local Courier Odeliver
Delivery Fee Starts from $35 for orders under $600.Over $600 Free Delivery
Delivery process can take 1-2 Business days
Deliveries are done via our courier Odeliver
Free Pickup at Select Locations C3 ,Grand Bazar or Price Plaza 
Need Assistance WhatsApp - 391-0432

Returns/Exchange Policy
Refunds are only honoured for same-day purchases, otherwise, a credit note will be issued.

Refund or Exchange and Warranty Conditions:

All goods must be returned in the original manufacturer's packaging and with a valid Nehemiah Trading Invoice or receipt.

Refunds will be processed for returns done within 24 hours for unopened items. Opened items in 48 Hour Period may be subjected to a 15 Percent Restocking Fee.

48 Hour to 30 Day Return policy for unopened products will be processed and a credit note issued and may be subjected to a 15 percent restocking Fee.

All Refunds to be made will be done by cheque and made out to the original purchaser and paid within 2 business days. A refund can only be approved by management. In some instances, credit reversal may be possible based on the issuing bank of the credit card.

Exchanges can be made against another item, once the original item is returned unopened in its original packaging or if the original item is received non-functioning according to manufacturing specs. If the exchanged item has a lower value, the customer may either opt for a credit note or purchase additional item(s) for the remaining value.

Exchange can only be processed within 7 days of the invoiced date and the above conditions satisfied.